sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

Life after European Voluntary Service?

It has been 3 months since I finished my Servizio Volontario Europeo (SVE) and came back from Italia

Believe it or not but I've been suffering a lot. Not suffering in the way of crying all the time or not wanting to get out of the bed, but in the way of not being able to reintroduce myself in "my society" again. And if that was always difficult for me (yeah, I'm strange!), imagine NOW... 

Truth is: there's not such thing as life after SVE. There's only this space time continuum where you keep asking yourself what more can you do to fit again in the life you had before departing. But you will never fit again. You will just find (almost) everyone complaining about things that you just don't care about... like how interesting is that sh*tty reality show that you never watched.

You will just fight to ignore people complaining about problems that you can't consider problems anymore. After all, you learned to live so much with so little, that now you can just despise some argurments... even if that gives that image of an arrogant bastard. But again, you shared your daily life with people that had real struggles... so... f*ck this capitalist society!

Don't get me wrong. I've been doing everything to be ocuppied. And since I arrived home, I never stoped doing stuff, with my book, a new job, etc. 

And speaking about jobs. Isn't it ironic that before you were not being paid to work as a volunteer and you were really happy... but now that you have a wage you just don't feel complete...? 

I know why we feel this. When you are volunteering you receive that something that no money can buy.

And of course I'm happy to be home. I'm loving the work with my book.

But inside me there's this emptiness that calls for a random night with a random bottle of lambrusco talking about politics or tv series or transcendental sh*t or videogames or something crazy with one of the amazing volunteers that crossed my path.

Inside me there's this guy that misses Italia so much... without being able to explain how is that possible to the people around him. 

Is this the limbo? When do I get to the next level?

The next level is a rehab center for ex-volunteers, certo?

[ don't take this text too serious please ]

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